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Reconstruction of Teacher Education
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Reconstruction of Teacher Education
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Reconstruction of Teacher Education
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<p>The modernization and strengthening of the teacher education system is a robust means for the improvement of current educational standard in India. In the present scenario, teacher education is facing a dilemma both in the development and implementation of contemporary methods to train the future teachers and in service teachers. National Policy on Education (NPE), 1986 stated that the present education system needs to be changed. Hence there is an urgency to set down various innovative practices for teacher education.</p>
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<p><big>The modernization and strengthening of the teacher education system is a robust means for the improvement of current educational standard in India. In the present scenario, teacher education is facing a dilemma both in the development and implementation of contemporary methods to train the future teachers and in service teachers. National Policy on Education (NPE), 1986 stated that the present education system needs to be changed. Hence there is an urgency to set down various innovative practices for teacher education.</big></p> <p><big>The teacher education plays a pivotal role in the progress of the country. The quality of education system depends upon the educationists, curriculum developers and administrators. The quality of the teachers affects the education system the most. Teachers are considered the building blocks of education system that have the latent to bring out the unseen proficiencies of students.</big></p> <p><big>The nation is heading towards competitive world. But the outdated teacher education system gaps behinds in providing quality education to the future teachers. Teacher education institutions are facing various problems. Some of the problematic areas are underlined:</big></p> <p><big>- Lack of knowledge among teachers</big></p> <p><big>- Lack of skills</big></p> <p><big>- Inflexible structure</big></p> <p><big>- Lack of Research</big></p> <p><big>- Limited opportunities</big></p> <p><big>- Interpersonal relationship crisis</big></p> <p><big>- Less use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)</big></p> <p><big>These are some of the problems which are being faced by the teacher educators. Thus teacher educators need training in various aspects related to new innovations. The mentioned problems need to be solved at the earliest. The educational needs of the teachers as well as for the students are changing. </big></p> <p><big>The teacher has to perform many roles in the educational sector. Thus the in-service and pre service teacher education is in dire need of new and unique strategies. The practical application of the better and innovative methods needs to be incorporated. Restoration of the existing teacher education system through inventive practices is very necessary. </big></p> <p><big>As without innovation there will be no progress. In this regard various educational bodies viz. University Education Commission (1953), Education Commission (1964-1966), The Committee on Plan Projects (1963), The Study Group of the Secondary Teachers in India (1964), Indian Association Teacher Educators (1973), National Policy of Education (1986), National curriculum framework on teacher education (2009) and National Council for Teacher Education (1998) have suggested various unique strategies to meet the requirements of the teacher education programs. </big></p> <p><big>Thus, the innovative practices that have to be implemented should be constructivist, innovative, techno friendly, effective and students centered.</big></p> <p><big>Initially the constructivist approach should be applied to the teacher education. In this approach we construct new knowledge and information with the help of already existed knowledge and the incoming information. It is a combination of assimilation and accommodation processes. Here the students learn the content by their own using various resources. </big></p> <p><big>It is a unique method of the learning. It allows the students to learn from the past and upcoming experiences. They use and build new knowledge with the help of prior knowledge. Further, the students can develop various higher order skills including interest, creativity, decision making and many more. Further, Personal Development Planning programs should be incorporated in the teacher education institution for the al round development of the upcoming teachers. </big></p> <p><big>This program provides the opportunities to the students to shine out. It offers data more than a certificate and engages students in a thinking process. Except PDP the electronic teacher education process and the system should be designed as per the new rules for the ICT development. The use of ICT in education can make teachers up to date and informed about the entire phenomenon happening in the world. The teacher education with the help of e learning must be incorporated. </big></p> <p><big>Further the value based education must be there for the teacher education. It should be concerned with the personality of the individual. For this intellectual, social, emotional, aesthetic, moral and spiritual values have to be incorporated. The interaction between the government bodies and the teacher education institutions has to be build. This relationship can boost the teacher education. Further, the teachers and administration must talk about the issues and challenges of the teacher education. </big></p> <p><big>The role of government is very much important in the development of teacher education institutions. The various policies and acts in the favor of teacher education have to closely view. It has been concluded that teacher education program should be structured and modified in a way that enables them to respond dynamically to the new problems and challenges in the field of education.</big></p>
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